Now Is The Time To Teach Your Children

Now Is The Time To Teach Your Children
In this book, Mark’s mother, Virginia Gorman teaches parents what she practiced in her own life, teaching her children the Word of God. They learned to memorize scripture at an early age, and she helped to make the stories of the Bible come alive, as she taught them to her children.
All 3 of them, Randy, Mark & Beverly, grew up to become involved in ministry, preaching the gospel, pastoring churches, singing, writing songs, writing books, ministering through television, and traveling throughout the world, reaching people for Christ.
At age 4, Beverly accepted Christ during one of their times of “Family Devotions”.
Every afternoon after school, before playing outside, even before homework, the first order of business was Family Devotions. All 3 kids would sit and listen as she taught them stories from the Bible.
Virginia purchased a book to read to the kids, one chapter per week, titled “The Mystery Of The Black Book”. After reading the first chapter, the kids asked her to keep reading. And after chapter two, again, “keep reading”, and again, and again, until she had read the entire book in one afternoon.
Afterward, Beverly, age 4 said “How can I ask Jesus to come into my heart?”
Right then and there she led Beverly in a prayer to accept Jesus as her Savior.
As she was writing this book, Virginia contacted the publishers of “The Mystery Of The Black Book” and learned that it is out of print. The author had died, and they gave her the contact info for the author’s children. When she reached them, they gave her full permission to reprint the entire book.
So, the second half of this book is “The Mystery Of The Black Book”. So, it’s actually two books in one.
You need this book for your children and grandchildren. Order it today!
…Mother would gather the three of us together for devotions. She creatively chose various ways to discuss the Bible each evening. Patiently teaching, she then would pray with us, hoping that something shared would be indelibly imparted deep inside our spirits…
…Each of us will never forget those cherished moments, memorialized by Mother sharing “devotions.” Thank you Mother!...
…The reason she was crying and praying for us wasn’t because we were bad or that she didn’t trust us. It was because she didn’t trust the devil. She had seen the effects of Satan’s influence in the lives of others, and wanted us to be protected from that influence. And, I am convinced that her true devotion to God, her daily prayers for us, the time she spent with us in family devotions, learning to quote scripture, and teaching us to sing, all “paid off” in our adult lives. Truly, her children rise up and call her blessed…
…It was during one of those family devotional times that I asked Mother to lead me to Christ, when I was only 4 years old. After God blessed me with children of my own, I followed my Mom’s example. From the time they were just toddlers, I taught them Bible stories, scriptures to recite and Christian songs they could sing. Now, as a grandparent, I am thrilled to see this example carried on in the third generation of our family…