God's Plan for Prosperity - Softcover Book

God's Plan for Prosperity - Softcover Book
Prosperity is one of the most controversial topics in Christianity today. As you read God’s Plan For Prosperity, you will be gripped by stirring accounts of those who used the principles Mark teaches to prove God’s promises in regard to abundant provision. Mark takes a highly debated subject and simplifies it while giving scriptural foundation for each principle he teaches in this easy-to-read book.
The central theme of the book, God’s Plan For Prosperity, is The Four Types Of Giving: Tithes, Firstfruits, Alms & Seed, which Mark Gorman first taught in 2002. After hearing this teaching, many pastors asked if Mark had a book which taught these principles, so they could teach it to their congregations. That resulted in the writing of this book, published in 2004. Since then, several other ministers have started teaching The Four Types Of Giving on their TV programs, in their own ministry conferences and churches, and on their websites, even writing books on the topic of The Four Types Of Giving. For these well-known ministers to teach Mark’s principles, practically verbatim, from his book, is proof positive that this is a revelation from God for the Body of Christ.
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