Mark Gorman
Motivation. Wisdom. Empowerment!
Mark & Gina attended this conference in California. This is without a doubt the greatest conference on Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance ever! Click the poster above to access a YouTube playlist which contains all the archived videos from this conference and previous Isaiah 61 Conferences. If you want to understand Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance, this is the information you need!
The Right Word can Change Your Life - Forever!

You Have A Destiny!
For a FREE Audio of one of Mark’s most popular messages, “YOU HAVE A DESTINY”, click the “Free Download” button. You can support the ministry as a WEBSITE SPONSOR, MINISTRY PARTNER or STRATEGIC PARTNER. Or, to give a One-Time Offering, choose to SOW A SEED. Thank You for your support.

Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have discovered their destiny and been motivated to Achieve their Dreams — So Can You!

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